Monday, June 28, 2010

Here we go...

So today is the first day of my 2 week pre-op diet. My surgery date was confirmed for July 12th and that is 2 (omfg!) weeks from today. This diet is to shrink my liver to make my stomach parts more easily accessible. I'm 3 hours into it and I'm STARVING. SlimFast for breakfast, a piece of fruit for snack, SlimFast for lunch, and a sandwich on diet bread for dinner. mmmmm...satisfying. I'm really ok with it - I just wish my stomach was already smaller so that I wouldn't be hungry and counting the minutes until my next snack!

Happily, today is also J's first day of summer school. One week out of school and my nerves were already shot. She's the kind of kid who needs to be entertained all. the. time. If not, she will provoke whoever is around her and her entertainment comes from watching their reaction. Her little brother, L, is going to need some serious therapy to get over his early childhood abuse at the hands of J.

Alright - off to have my medium orange...

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